Tips to Maintain A Perennial Garden

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash
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A lot of people like to grow and maintain perennial gardens because they are relatively easy to manage and keep coming back each year, which means you can enjoy your hard work for even longer. Whether you’re a realtor in NJ that wants to spruce up their properties with low-maintenance perennial gardens or a more seasoned greenskeeper that is just looking for a convenient checklist for maintaining your perennials, this resource will be a helpful guide.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

Weeds will fight with your flowers and plants for rootspace and nutrients. Whenever you walk your gardens, you should remove any weeds that you find growing. It’s important to use a hand trowel or hoe, in order to ensure that you get the weeds at their roots. If your garden is really overrun with weeds, pull the biggest ones first; these are the weeds that have begun to flower or seed. Then, you can work your way through again and get the smaller weeds that are just beginning to break the surface.

Inspect Closely for Pests or Other Issues

A small infestation of certain bugs or a spreading plant disease can eradicate your garden in only a short period of time. As you check for weeds, also look for any signs of insect damage, like chewed leaves or ragged edge, and discoloration that could be a sign of a plant disease. You can compare what you find to results online or take a sample to your local garden supply store or nursery and see if they have an answer to your garden woes.

Trim Flowers as You See Fit

There’s a lot of advice out there on how to trim your perennial garden, but it is really a matter of personal preference. If you don’t want the garden to get too high or overgrown, then you can trim each flower right above the bud or latest growth. But, if you want a fuller looking garden, it’s okay to let them grow out and then trim them back later as needed later.

Water Early and Not Too Often

Over watering and watering too late in the day can damage your perennials. If you water too much, you’re going to drown your plants by not providing them and their roots with enough access to oxygen. If you water too late in the day, the water on the leaves and stems may not have enough time to be absorbed or evaporated and that dampness can lead to some plant diseases. The best strategy is to water early in the day and dig a few inches into the soil and feel if it is dry or damp. How dry or damp the soil is a few inches beneath the surface can determine how much, or how little, water they need.

By following these watering tips, your perennials in wrought iron window box planters will have a better chance of thriving and adding beauty to your outdoor space throughout the seasons.

Tidy Up the Edges

Your gardens should be well defined and separated from the lawn, walkway or whatever else they border. Some people prefer to do this by creating garden beds using wood, paving stones or other materials. If it is too late for this, it is recommended that you use an edging tool, like a spade or half-moon edger, and create a well-defined, neat border. Not only will this look better, but it will also ensure that your gardens have plenty of space to grow and thrive.


Past these steps, the only thing left to do is to enjoy your growing perennial garden. As the warm months end, you may decide to do some seasonal clean-up by pruning back flowers to a comfortable length and preparing them for the cold.



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